Take a look at some of the projects I’ve been working on recently. You can filter by search, category, or tool.
- Affiliate Marketing
- AI
- Big Data
- Built Environment
- Climate Action
- Climate Change
- Climate Migration
- Climate Resiliency
- Conservation
- Data Analysis
- Data Rights
- Digital Marketing
- Machine Learning
- Monte Carlo Simulations
- Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
- Politics
- Predictive Analytics
- Spatial Analysis
- Supply Chain
- Survey Research
- Video
- Writing

Nature Conservation Index 2024
The Nature Conservation Index is a tool created by a group of universities and non-profits to assess the effectiveness of conservation efforts around the world. My work brings the index to life via an animated and interactive data visualization built with Svelte and D3.

Data Analytics - Protect Our Winters’ Athlete Alliance Program
Protect Our Winters, a leading U.S. climate advocacy non-profit focused on mobilizing outdoor recreationists for climate action, wanted to understand the data relating to their volunteer program efficacy. I was tasked with gathering and cleaning the data, then creating a comprehensive annual report of the 2024 data that identified key trends and laid out recommendations for improving program efficacy and reach.

R Markdown Interactive Reports
A demonstration report showcasing my ability to synthesize and communicate a variety of business insights via beautiful, intuitive, and interactive R Markdown reports.

The Snowman Race
An ArcGIS Storymap of a five-day high altitude stage race through the Bhutanese Himalayas — harnessing mountain running as a messenger for climate action.

NYC Pedestrian Hazards Tableau Dashboard
Interactive Tableau dashboard that showcases pedestrian-vehicle collisions in NYC between 2012 and 2024 using a spatial heatmap, time-of-day heatmap, bar, and line charts. Includes the ability to filter by geographic zone, year, month, and time of day.

Running, Rights, & Land — Brooklyn
An ArcGIS Storymap that brings the curriculum to life for a new program focused on immigrant rights, empowerment, and community building.

Stay Cool Missoula
A Storymap exploring how Missoula County, MT is affected by increasing heat and how it can adapt to keep residents safe from extreme heat events.

Extreme Heat in Montana
An ArcGIS Storymap focused on impacts from extreme heat and accompanying stories & strategies of community resilience across the state of Montana. This Storymap is part of the broader ResilienceMT project that aims to increase science literacy and climate resilience in Montana.

Montana Heat Vulnerability Index (HVI)
As a portfolio project I created a Heat Vulnerability Index (HVI) for Montana at the census tract level. I additionally test the robustness of my approach by performing two variations of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis using Monte-Carlo simulations.

Energy Insights — a building energy use & forecasting app
This app in R Shiny serves as a demonstration decision-support system focused on commercial building energy data. The app lets users intuitively explore a simulated data set, forecast future energy demands based on historical patterns, evaluate model performance, and run dynamic 'what-if' analyses based on customized parameters.

Methane Flaring Impact on Vulnerable Communities (Master's in Business Analytics - Final Project)
A pilot project developed in conjunction with RMI as an interactive tool mapping California’s most harmful methane flaring and the socially vulnerable communities least able to cope with that hazard. Final project for my master’s in Business Analytics.

Missoula Heat Risk Index
This portfolio project creates a heat risk index for Missoula, Montana; combining data on population, surface temperature, and tree cover across the city to determine the areas that could benefit most from tree cover.

Conservation Versus Jobs?
Portfolio project. Could access to public land be part of the competitive advantage for rural communities across the West?
And that's exactly what I found; rural counties with the highest ratio of federally protected areas created jobs four times faster than counties with the lowest ratio of protected areas.

Resource Conservation Master’s Thesis
What predicts U.S. adults contacting their elected representatives to urge climate action? Thesis for my master’s in Resource Conservation.

Footprints 2022 Camp Film
I worked with filmmaker Max Romey and my Footprints business partner Dakota Jones on a short film of our 2022 climate action camp in Colorado.

Article: Data rights are human rights — climate refugees and data privacy in the anthropocene
Climate change is anticipated to drive the largest wave of global migration in history, with hundreds of millions displaced due to direct impacts like drought and sea level rise, and indirect effects like conflicts over resources. This migration will challenge international systems managing migrants, emphasizing the need for transparency and respect in treating climate refugees.

Article: New Data, Old Habits
The Promises and Pitfalls for Driving Sustainability Outcomes with Data & Machine Learning

Articles: Geniuslink affiliate marketing
I've written a number of articles for Geniuslink, a digital marketing firm. They're meant to illustrate Geniuslink's offerings and expertise in their world of affiliate marketing and use a fun & informal tone.