
Take a look at some of the projects I’ve been working on recently. You can filter by search, category, or tool.



Data Analytics - Protect Our Winters’ Athlete Alliance Program
Data Analysis, Predictive Analytics Nate Bender Data Analysis, Predictive Analytics Nate Bender

Data Analytics - Protect Our Winters’ Athlete Alliance Program

Protect Our Winters, a leading U.S. climate advocacy non-profit focused on mobilizing outdoor recreationists for climate action, wanted to understand the data relating to their volunteer program efficacy. I was tasked with gathering and cleaning the data, then creating a comprehensive annual report of the 2024 data that identified key trends and laid out recommendations for improving program efficacy and reach.

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Energy Insights — a building energy use & forecasting app

Energy Insights — a building energy use & forecasting app

This app in R Shiny serves as a demonstration decision-support system focused on commercial building energy data. The app lets users intuitively explore a simulated data set, forecast future energy demands based on historical patterns, evaluate model performance, and run dynamic 'what-if' analyses based on customized parameters.

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